Friday, January 14, 2011


I want to welcome you all here to my blog and I hope that you stop in and check out the postings every week and feel free to make a comment.  We can use the comments feature to communicate with each other regarding prayer requests, motivational needs, accountability issues, ideas to address during our study, etc. 

As you can see, I have been posting on this blog over the last couple of years so I went through and deleted posts that were not on point.  In the past, I had used this format to document with pictures my food journals as a way of keeping up with my daily intake, as well as journaling workouts and random aspects of my life.  Now, I will focus on our Bible study and topics covered during our time together.

I certainly enjoyed today's Week 1, Day 1 reading from our book.  Even more, I am so thankful that I am a new creation in Christ!  Dr. Davis says, "it is this 'newness' that plants in us the desire to live in a way that is pleasing to God and in accordance with His precepts." 

Just so my position is clear, if you research, pray and select a certain diet plan, then by all means, follow whatever plan you feel called to select.  I looked around the Mayo Clinic website this morning and they had a lot of medically sound information about different eating plans, including the DASH diet, meditteranean diet, vegetarian diet, diverticulitis diet, gluten free diet and low glycemic index diet.  Dr. Davis says on page 10 of our book that our hope is that we "discover that the Word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit are truly sufficient to guide us as we implement lifestyle changes for better health."

For fun, I have included the following link to some superfoods information.  Superfoods are foods that are considered medicinal in nature in that they heal and nourish us rather than detract from our health.

Test yourself this week and see how many you can add in over the course of the week.  Also, try something you have never tried before.  There are lots of foods that offer super-nourishing benefits and I promise that you will be able to tell a difference in your levels of energy and vitality when you do something good for yourself by including these in your diet.

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!  The weather will be beautiful so bundle up and go for a nice, brisk walk.

1 comment:

Teresa Graham said...

Hey, I hit it big with the many already in my diet!!